As I watch you explore your surroundings with your new-found sense of confidence, my heart beams with pride. But sadly, every night when I put you to bed, I realize that you are growing up. And that tomorrow, you'll be a day bigger and a day more independent. You'll eventually need me less and one day, you'll be embarrassed by the kisses I so freely give to your forehead and cheeks.
But today, you are only ONE. You are one. I have to pinch myself! I can't believe how quickly the year has gone by! One year ago today, you were a puffy-faced 8 lb. 13.4 oz newborn. Now you are a 22 pounder, verging on toddlerhood.
It's no surprise your first word/syllable was "Da-da." From the minute you were born, you could follow his voice through a room. At first, you were a mama's babe. But, in the last 6 months, you have developed a ridiculously adorable bond with your daddy. You follow him to the door each morning, and every day starting at 5:00 pm (sometimes earlier), you ask for him repeatedly.
You are our little athlete...you love to pick up, bounce and chase balls. Your dad's dream came true when you dribbled a toy with both feet the other day (maybe it was coincidence, but, hey...). You can crawl and climb over anything. You were an early walker...and your "crawling" left us all in stitches. You came into this world wide-eyed and observant; like a little sponge who had heard all about this wonderful place and the people who live in it, and wanted to learn more.
Your favorite things are baby dolls, books, bathtime and binkies. I like to think that you are so sweet to your babies because I have been so sweet to you. You love our puppies, and spend 50 percent of your day playing with them through the window or in person. You love to be outside.
You have three teeth and thick blonde hair, a sweet pouty lip, cheeks to die for and big, beautiful, blue eyes.
You have changed our lives, filled our hearts, kept us on our toes and wrapped us around your little finger.
Happy Birthday, Baby.
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