
Hard day's night? No, just a hard night.

Let me be the first to say, nothing throws a SAHM off like 3 months of sleeping through the night interrupted by one night of shrill baby-crying for an hour, followed by an early morning. Catch all that?

Here's a translation for you in layman's terms: Scooty was up from 12-1 last night, screaming her tiny heart out and woke up at six this morning, fresh as a cucumber!

Everyone has hard nights, and this was certainly not our first. But man, it made me rethink my whole "we got this" attitude that I've been sporting around for the last three months. Even at her 1st birthday party, I felt more "with it" than I felt last night at 11:47. I made J get up with me, I was so out of it. I've never done that. In a year of parenthood, it's always been "you get up, or I do." Unless something was terribly wrong...which I can't recall a time before last night...he's always been afforded the luxury of staying asleep or only being on "binky duty." Not that this means he's been getting more sleep than I have, b/c as we all know, that's not always the case.

Well, my point of this whole thing is: baby is not ready to give up her bottle at night, yet. How did you moms handle this transition? I'm at a loss. I folded last night, after an hour of screaming and clawing her way out of the crib, diaper changing, rocking, restarting the lullaby cd, cuddling with mom, ibuprofen and a drink from the sippy cup...I fed her a bottle.

I just realized that again, I have no idea what I'm doing.

And on another note, why did we stay up until 11 o'clock watching Encino Man?

And on another "related" note, you only care about three things: Nugs, chillin' and grindage.

The end.