
I just have to say it.

I LOVE the new Kleenex ads. Freakin' love.

Touch. Touch. Touch. Touch. FEEL.

Isn't that the truth? When I see those commercials, I stop. I was having one of those moments (like in the commercial) where you are running around the house, putting up toys and cleaning stains from the carpet and avoiding getting pooped on, peed on or puked on (the three deadly P's)...when I saw that commercial. I laughed, I related and later in my day, I talked about the ad.

Then, tonight, I'm sitting in my chair...watching American Idol on my DVR and flipping through my Parents magazine...when bang! It happens again...I see an ad in print...with pics of lots of things I would want to touch (and the word "touch") and then I turn the page. OMG. There's an ACTUAL Kleenex in the magazine with the word "FEEL."

And I did.

But it's not only about the ad. This commercial reminds me to stop being so BUSY. Take time and smell the roses. Touch the soft tissue. Smell your baby's sweet smelling hair. Kiss the hubby. Pet the puppy.

Then, get back to your cleaning. Those stains won't remove themselves, ya know.


Lisa said...

Me too! I love the way she says "feel".

Anonymous said...

The commercial reminds me of OCD. I think the woman in the ad is supposed to have OCD, actually. She has to say everything she touches. It's unnerving.