I found some good ol' pics online...here's one from one of our first "dates." J and I had JUST had our first date the night before this picture was taken. J and I met in June of '05 when we worked together at ExpertVillage.com. I'd worked there maybe a week or two and he had stopped by my office to ask me if I wanted to go grab a pizza/beer and see his friend's band play on a Wednesday night after work. I gratefully accepted (a little giddy at this point, and probably jumped for joy on the inside when he asked).

Our first date...I met him at his apartment that he shared with Jason (and Jason's brother and various others that summer) and he gave me the grand tour of the ultimate (but deceptively clean) bachelor-pad. We sat on the couch (I remember absolutely beaming with awkwardness and smiling a lot), talking about movies and his impressive (if somewhat intimidating) DVD collection...including his love of everything John Cusack. We went (I drove) to The Parlor in Austin and shared some pizza and a pitcher before most of his friends showed up at the GoldenBear show. I remember feeling intimidated, but happy that he was interested enough to introduce me to his friends. I remember that tingly feeling in my chest when he HAD to lean close and yell in my ear if I wanted another drink and pure elation as his hand held mine while rocking out to "Santa Rosa" and other GB hits. There were after date pics taken and after post-date errands, it came as quite a surprise when this soft-spoken guy leaned in for our first kiss. I hadn't been that happy in a long time, and to this day I conjure up these feelings of bliss.

A month later I received this IM on my computer on a Monday morning: 7/29/05
jbher1979: you probably won't get this till Monday, but I'm sitting here on Friday night @ 2am and all I can think about is how incredibly in love with you I am.....you make me soooo happy that words cannot even describe it.
(hope this doesn't embarrass him)
So, to J! The best husband in the world.
PS, I just realized that this blog post likely triggered a google alert to J's co-workers. Don't give him too hard of a time on Monday :)
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