
HELP. My kid refuses breakfast.

It all started a couple of weeks ago...the usual apple-cinnamon waffles just weren't cutting it. You couldn't get her to eat them. Not in her highchair, not in a box, not with a treehouse with a fox. She will not eat them, Mom-I-am.

So then, we tried fruit. She will eat the crud out of strawberries, blueberries, peaches and bananas. So, GREAT, I'm thinking. But then, the diapers. Oh...the diapers. I'm pretty sure she was getting too much fiber in those fruits and needed a little more. So, we tried that ol' standby...cheerios.

But, nope. Not interested.

So at this point, our morning routine consists of waking up...fixing BLUEBERRY waffles...and bananas...which the kiddo screams at, throws on the floor and then demands that someone get her down from her highchair because dangit, she is not eating this crap. Or apparently, any other crap. Not even yogurt with cereal and fruit.

Tried eggs yesterday, and she broke out in a rash all over her face. I'm hopelessly lost. Mac and cheese for breakfast, anyone?