Music baby (vol. 3)
Here's some great video that J caught of Scout playing the keyboard in his office. I went to see a movie with my friend E. He was in charge for the night, and this is what they did all evening!
Things she can't live without...
I've been meaning to write this post for a while now...I guess since she turned 12 months and I began struggling with what "table food" Scout could/would/should eat. That's where it started...then I've also recently been introduced to other things that my good mamma-friend Lori was giving to her kids! SO MUCH LEARNING! SO MUCH FUN!
So here's a list of the top ten things Scout eats/loves on a daily basis:
1. Yo Gabba Gabba...we have about 22 episodes (currently) of this wonderful, hit-or-miss kiddie show on our DVR at the moment. She loves all the characters, the songs, the cartoons, and is also learning some valuable lessons. The songs DO get stuck in your head as a parent, but they are all about great things...and the "Naptime" song has come in handy on more than one occasion in this household. AND the website is FUN.
2. Rubber snake... When J and I got hitched, my bro and sis-in-law-to-be gave us a box full of camping gear. Complete with a rubber snake. So, to the mortification of my mother, we kept it in the kid's toy box in our hall closet (the toys we kept for our neice and nephew). is Scout's BEST FRIEND. She gives him drinks of juice/milk/water, covers him with blankets and pushes him around in her dolly's stroller.
3. Ducky...The stuffed animal (it's really a chick, but don't tell her that) duck that my parents gave her at Easter has quickly become her night-time safety item. It's so huggable and has the most elastic-y arms and snuggly fur...I kinda want one for me. This goes hand-in-hand with her pink and white striped blanket from Pottery Barn Kids. Heaven forbid if I walk off and leave this thing in the washer or dryer...she will not sleep without it.
4. First Juice...This stuff is great. It comes in four great flavors (I'm assuming the purple one and the peach ones are just as great as the other two we've's hard to find around here) and has 1/2 the sugar of regular apple juice. Plus, it has some veggies in there AND comes in GREAT single-serving juice bottles that WILL NOT LEAK EVER. Also, the bottle is BPA free and safe to re-use. Great for car-rides and grandparent's houses.
5. Vado video camera...okay, this one is for us...but still, it has been great! We love catching all of her HD moments on this handy-dandy, pocket-sized, fancy-smancy camera. It's been Jay's gadget of the year.
6. Amy's organic kids meals...including pizza, Annie's Organic mac-and-cheese and Earth's Best chef-boyardee-esque raviolis. These are awesome...and I feel much less guilty about heating this stuff up for Scout when in a pinch. Recently...the greatest thing EVER to happen in the history of me-being-a-parent...was the night when we all sat down to a dinner of roasted veggie lasagna...and all were satisfied. With. the. same. meal.
7. Pirate's booty and/or Smart Puffs. These things go anywhere and everyone likes them. They are healthy snacks for kiddos and parents, alike. You can buy them in bulk-sized bags at Costco and they are especially easy for little tikes who only have a couple of teeth to gnaw on...much safer alternative to goldfish crackers. The cheese flavor is (of course) a big hit...but surprisingly, Scout LOVES the green veggie flavor.
8. Really awesome bath toys...J's aunt found these water toys for Scout and we LOVE them. Every time the bathwater starts...we get a high-pitched "squeeeeee!" It's a series of four cups that hang from hooks on a suction cup bar thing. I should just take a picture. One of the cups is the "dump cup" you use to fill up the other three cups. One has holes in the bottom of it like a tiny strainer. Another one is like a water wheel that spins and the third has a spicket you can turn off and on. She would spend HOURS in the tub playing with these things.
9. Little Einstein's ride-on. This thing is great. Yeah, the noise gets a little much at times...but whatever. She loves it, and it makes her happy. Every little button does something, and if we ever miss the remote...we just look under the seat of this little scooter, b/c that's usually where it is hidden. We've only had one tiny accident on this scooter...where she was sitting on it backwards and scooting...and ran into her rubber snake. She toppled over the back of it and got a fat lip...and subsequently a Mott's frozen apple juicepop.
10. YoBaby yogurt/yogurt and cereal. Unhappy baby? Open this stuff up. With less sugar than you might think, this stuff tastes like cake batter. Cream on top and fruit and grains all in the mix, you just can't go wrong. Half a banana or some blueberries go great with the vanilla or banana flavors and Scout will eat it all day long. We have to be careful not to leave these on the bottom shelf of the fridge b/c if she sees them...she goes for them.
So here's a list of the top ten things Scout eats/loves on a daily basis:
1. Yo Gabba Gabba...we have about 22 episodes (currently) of this wonderful, hit-or-miss kiddie show on our DVR at the moment. She loves all the characters, the songs, the cartoons, and is also learning some valuable lessons. The songs DO get stuck in your head as a parent, but they are all about great things...and the "Naptime" song has come in handy on more than one occasion in this household. AND the website is FUN.
2. Rubber snake... When J and I got hitched, my bro and sis-in-law-to-be gave us a box full of camping gear. Complete with a rubber snake. So, to the mortification of my mother, we kept it in the kid's toy box in our hall closet (the toys we kept for our neice and nephew). is Scout's BEST FRIEND. She gives him drinks of juice/milk/water, covers him with blankets and pushes him around in her dolly's stroller.
3. Ducky...The stuffed animal (it's really a chick, but don't tell her that) duck that my parents gave her at Easter has quickly become her night-time safety item. It's so huggable and has the most elastic-y arms and snuggly fur...I kinda want one for me. This goes hand-in-hand with her pink and white striped blanket from Pottery Barn Kids. Heaven forbid if I walk off and leave this thing in the washer or dryer...she will not sleep without it.
4. First Juice...This stuff is great. It comes in four great flavors (I'm assuming the purple one and the peach ones are just as great as the other two we've's hard to find around here) and has 1/2 the sugar of regular apple juice. Plus, it has some veggies in there AND comes in GREAT single-serving juice bottles that WILL NOT LEAK EVER. Also, the bottle is BPA free and safe to re-use. Great for car-rides and grandparent's houses.
5. Vado video camera...okay, this one is for us...but still, it has been great! We love catching all of her HD moments on this handy-dandy, pocket-sized, fancy-smancy camera. It's been Jay's gadget of the year.
6. Amy's organic kids meals...including pizza, Annie's Organic mac-and-cheese and Earth's Best chef-boyardee-esque raviolis. These are awesome...and I feel much less guilty about heating this stuff up for Scout when in a pinch. Recently...the greatest thing EVER to happen in the history of me-being-a-parent...was the night when we all sat down to a dinner of roasted veggie lasagna...and all were satisfied. With. the. same. meal.
7. Pirate's booty and/or Smart Puffs. These things go anywhere and everyone likes them. They are healthy snacks for kiddos and parents, alike. You can buy them in bulk-sized bags at Costco and they are especially easy for little tikes who only have a couple of teeth to gnaw on...much safer alternative to goldfish crackers. The cheese flavor is (of course) a big hit...but surprisingly, Scout LOVES the green veggie flavor.
8. Really awesome bath toys...J's aunt found these water toys for Scout and we LOVE them. Every time the bathwater starts...we get a high-pitched "squeeeeee!" It's a series of four cups that hang from hooks on a suction cup bar thing. I should just take a picture. One of the cups is the "dump cup" you use to fill up the other three cups. One has holes in the bottom of it like a tiny strainer. Another one is like a water wheel that spins and the third has a spicket you can turn off and on. She would spend HOURS in the tub playing with these things.
9. Little Einstein's ride-on. This thing is great. Yeah, the noise gets a little much at times...but whatever. She loves it, and it makes her happy. Every little button does something, and if we ever miss the remote...we just look under the seat of this little scooter, b/c that's usually where it is hidden. We've only had one tiny accident on this scooter...where she was sitting on it backwards and scooting...and ran into her rubber snake. She toppled over the back of it and got a fat lip...and subsequently a Mott's frozen apple juicepop.
10. YoBaby yogurt/yogurt and cereal. Unhappy baby? Open this stuff up. With less sugar than you might think, this stuff tastes like cake batter. Cream on top and fruit and grains all in the mix, you just can't go wrong. Half a banana or some blueberries go great with the vanilla or banana flavors and Scout will eat it all day long. We have to be careful not to leave these on the bottom shelf of the fridge b/c if she sees them...she goes for them.
The clothes you keep....
It's funny how a dress can bring back a feeling. A tank top can make you relive a sweltering summer and a pair of pants can inspire you to break down Hammer-style. Some of those things are fleeting moments in fashion history...a mistake we wish we hadn't made. But others...the ones you keep...what do they say about you?
Is there something to be said for the clothing you keep? Is that your history? Is it WHO you are?
I keep a few things in my closet that can best be described as costume. I manage to incorporate a few into my usually common wardrobe and others will probably never be worn. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not keeping hoards of NKOTB and Mossimo tye-dye clothing for you all to come and pillage. I only have a few things...some of them are mostly ordinary and you probably wouldn't think twice about. I manage to clean out my closet at least once a year and haul a load of gently used items to my local clothes drop.
But these all hold some kind of meaning or hold some kind of intrinsic value to me. My most valued? A vintage boy scout uniform shirt from my hometown. Almost every time I wear it, I get a comment or a thumbs up or a questioning look from someone...but I love it. It reps where I'm from...I'm a small town girl...while also saying....I'm sooooo much cooler than you. ;)
Got anything cool in your closet you wanna compare?
Is there something to be said for the clothing you keep? Is that your history? Is it WHO you are?
I keep a few things in my closet that can best be described as costume. I manage to incorporate a few into my usually common wardrobe and others will probably never be worn. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not keeping hoards of NKOTB and Mossimo tye-dye clothing for you all to come and pillage. I only have a few things...some of them are mostly ordinary and you probably wouldn't think twice about. I manage to clean out my closet at least once a year and haul a load of gently used items to my local clothes drop.
But these all hold some kind of meaning or hold some kind of intrinsic value to me. My most valued? A vintage boy scout uniform shirt from my hometown. Almost every time I wear it, I get a comment or a thumbs up or a questioning look from someone...but I love it. It reps where I'm from...I'm a small town girl...while also saying....I'm sooooo much cooler than you. ;)
Got anything cool in your closet you wanna compare?
Real World Cancun...welcome back to high school
So remember that time we got paid to go to Cancun and all we did was create drama and gripe about how our lives are so more meaningful than yours?!?! OMG! LOL! What a good time! <3<3<3<3
I love this cast...but man, honestly...I feel so old watching them just act like fools. This kind of drama is so 2001.
So here's my brief introduction/evaluation of each cast member.
Aiiya...the girl who's "been there, done that" in just about every aspect. You know the one...entitled to her own sense of self b/c she's JUST that much better than you. And oh, you want to battle with this girl? She'll take you down and claw your eyes out in the process. Right now, she's being painted as the female instigator. The one with the drama, who quits the show every episode. Also, Hooters girl.
Joey...the male version of Aiiya...also, he's the all-tatt'd-up bad boy. He's got no-one and nothing except the guitar and the clothes on his back. He's so rebellious. Also, he's kind of gross. He spits in people's food...and hooks up with random gross chicks.
Emilee...Aiiya's BFF for the first episode. Then...the truth comes out. They are really frienemies. She's also a Hooters girl (but don't make her "feel stupid just b/c she works at Hooters").
CJ...hottie surfer boy...looking for his identity. I'm guessing he only recently became good looking. Or he just realized it. He's totally uncomfortable in his skin and is malleable to other people around him...we'll see how he turns out. He's the beefcake NFL free agent. He's pretty easygoing.
Jonna...difficult background...lots of foster care drama. Waitress at a bar with Derek and winner of some Discovery Kids show. The cool chick. Cool hair, pretty looks, tattoos and piercings. All the other girls want to be her, and she is clueless to her own coolness. She's one of the guys, and totally alienated by the girls in the house.
Bronne...(pronounced like the towels). The class clown. Always making jokes at other people's expense, but they don't seem to mind...yet. He is an ROTC guy who may have gay tendencies. He has a man-crush on Derek and CJ. Painfully obvious.
Derek...Jonna's gay-guy-friend. They were besties and coworkers at a bar before RW. He's totally laid back and mostly anti-drama...but not above a good squabble. Will probably end up getting his feelings hurt by all the cast members. Except maybe Jonna...b/c they totally have eachother's back.
Jasmine...oh gosh. Thanks for representing This girl is an AIRHEAD to the max. And she has traces of being a spoiled brat. She likes to talk about how she only weighs 80 pounds but can get scrappy. If you want to pick a fight with someone, make sure this girl's on your side because it will amp-up your drama-quality by about 12301230123019. or 80 lbs.
I love how the dynamic has become the stereotype. It's pretty awesome.
I love this cast...but man, honestly...I feel so old watching them just act like fools. This kind of drama is so 2001.
So here's my brief introduction/evaluation of each cast member.
Aiiya...the girl who's "been there, done that" in just about every aspect. You know the one...entitled to her own sense of self b/c she's JUST that much better than you. And oh, you want to battle with this girl? She'll take you down and claw your eyes out in the process. Right now, she's being painted as the female instigator. The one with the drama, who quits the show every episode. Also, Hooters girl.
Joey...the male version of Aiiya...also, he's the all-tatt'd-up bad boy. He's got no-one and nothing except the guitar and the clothes on his back. He's so rebellious. Also, he's kind of gross. He spits in people's food...and hooks up with random gross chicks.
Emilee...Aiiya's BFF for the first episode. Then...the truth comes out. They are really frienemies. She's also a Hooters girl (but don't make her "feel stupid just b/c she works at Hooters").
CJ...hottie surfer boy...looking for his identity. I'm guessing he only recently became good looking. Or he just realized it. He's totally uncomfortable in his skin and is malleable to other people around him...we'll see how he turns out. He's the beefcake NFL free agent. He's pretty easygoing.
Jonna...difficult background...lots of foster care drama. Waitress at a bar with Derek and winner of some Discovery Kids show. The cool chick. Cool hair, pretty looks, tattoos and piercings. All the other girls want to be her, and she is clueless to her own coolness. She's one of the guys, and totally alienated by the girls in the house.
Bronne...(pronounced like the towels). The class clown. Always making jokes at other people's expense, but they don't seem to mind...yet. He is an ROTC guy who may have gay tendencies. He has a man-crush on Derek and CJ. Painfully obvious.
Derek...Jonna's gay-guy-friend. They were besties and coworkers at a bar before RW. He's totally laid back and mostly anti-drama...but not above a good squabble. Will probably end up getting his feelings hurt by all the cast members. Except maybe Jonna...b/c they totally have eachother's back.
Jasmine...oh gosh. Thanks for representing This girl is an AIRHEAD to the max. And she has traces of being a spoiled brat. She likes to talk about how she only weighs 80 pounds but can get scrappy. If you want to pick a fight with someone, make sure this girl's on your side because it will amp-up your drama-quality by about 12301230123019. or 80 lbs.
I love how the dynamic has become the stereotype. It's pretty awesome.
104 degree summer
After a lovely birthday celebrated in our lush backyard....a week of 104 degree heat has made our backyard oasis look more like a forgotten garden. Sadly, our trees are not looking good again, as is our grass and 1/2 of my plants. Luckily, I think my tomato plant is still doing alright and my rosemary seems to not really notice the heat.
Scooter and I just got back from a week-long vacation in the Enchanted Circle of New Mexico (or as J likes to call it, "the magic circle"). We stayed in a very nice cabin in the Angel Fire village area...a friend of my dad's was so kind to loan us the keys. I could have moved in, if only the altitude didn't bother me as bad as it did. I've never had an experience with altitude sickness...and even though mine wasn't that bad (mostly breathing/headache problems)...I wouldn't want to experience it again.
Here's a snapshot of what our week entailed: lots of fishing, relaxing, campfires, s'mores, hot air balloons, shopping, rain and cool weather. And here's what you come here for: the pics.

Scooter and I just got back from a week-long vacation in the Enchanted Circle of New Mexico (or as J likes to call it, "the magic circle"). We stayed in a very nice cabin in the Angel Fire village area...a friend of my dad's was so kind to loan us the keys. I could have moved in, if only the altitude didn't bother me as bad as it did. I've never had an experience with altitude sickness...and even though mine wasn't that bad (mostly breathing/headache problems)...I wouldn't want to experience it again.
Here's a snapshot of what our week entailed: lots of fishing, relaxing, campfires, s'mores, hot air balloons, shopping, rain and cool weather. And here's what you come here for: the pics.

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