Lots of things going on...spring has sprung! With the first day of Spring, we celebrated my brother's birthday. We also celebrated the arrival of pollen! My allergies have once again been fully affected. I didn't have any problem with them while I was pregnant/nursing...I wonder why that is? But here I am, all stuffy, watery-eyed and itchy-mouthed. The grass is starting to turn green, trees and flowers are blooming and Austin-ites are consuming local honey at new rates. :D The only thing I hate worse than the cedar is....SPIDERS! The first of our 8-legged friends made his appearance on our porch last night when I arrived home with arms full of groceries. Ick. Already!?
Scooty is growing, growing, growing. We've FINALLY made the switch to "people food." She is currently enjoying some Cheerios and raisins for her morning snack. We celebrated her 13 month with a Little Einstein's Scooter. We were so shocked when she knew EXACTLY how to make it move. I love watching her play, especially the older she gets. You can really see her mind cranking!
March was the month of weddings, and we are finally settling back into a routine. Congrats to Chris and Sarah, Laura and Brad, and Lori and Anthony! Here's a pic of E and myself after Laura and Brad's nuptials.

March in Austin also means South By Southwest was in town. Jay got to take in some new music at the Don't Mess With Texas Fest in Waterloo Park on Saturday. While he was doing that, my bro (D) and I enjoyed an Austin City Limits taping with Ben Harper and the Relentless7. I'll let you know the airdate and you should all watch, b/c I'm sure we'll be on television, dancing up a storm (front row, baby!).
Also, in blog-news...I've uploaded some of my OLLLLLLD blogs from good ol' myspace onto this blog. You can check them out in 2005 and there's more on up into 2006/2007.
Happy Spring!

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