WELL...our little bug is 6 months old now! She is a whopping 16 lbs. 6 ounces and almost 27 inches long! She's growing and changing every day; more and more it seems lately. She is "singing," zirberting, and making word noises...any day now she'll be giving us all our marching orders! She is dying to crawl and is no longer dragging her tummy on the floor. She has this move that we call "the polar bear" where she gets on all fours on my/j's chest and then pounces us (like polar bears do when they try to break the ice). It's pretty much the funniest thing ever. She is enjoying her books and settling into a night time routine, tho we wish we could get past the one time she wakes up in the night.
A cute story for ya: when we were at the doctor's office for her check up, the doctor had given her an exam and was about to leave the room. He shook J's hand, and then mine and then Scout (mocking our behavior) stuck her right hand up for the doctor to shake. He was floored, and we all burst out laughing. He shook her hand and she thought it was hilarious. So watch what you do....because SHE is! :D
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