So, we entered this thing called Animadness. It's a contest where they give each team a character (child), a prop (pill), and a theme (greed). We have three weeks to make a 5 minute (or less) film using these characters. We've made our storyline...come up with our characters....made some clay characters....made our set....and are 1/2 way into the three weeks. Filming starts tonight. Here are some of the pics of our characters and set. You can use the three things that the contest gives you in any capacity that you so choose. We've chosen to make the pill our main character, the child's stomach our setting, and greed is in there somewhere. :) enjoy!
i can't wait to see the finished product! any creative output of a jay+ashley mindmeld has got to be awesome, plus i heard the soundtrack is just phenomenal. ; D
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