There are so many different ways your life changes after having a baby (good and not so good)...and, I wanted to share a little of my experience in THIS department. I've always been a private person...and there are probably 3 people in the world that I know that I can talk to about ANYTHING. I like to be alone some days and I like to be surrounded by people on other days.
I don't think I'm the BEST friend of many. In fact, it's always been hard for me to make friends, for various different reasons. Since getting pregnant with Scout, I think I've found that I've not had time or energy to make new friends, but have really solidified and revisited some of my older friendships.
Most of our friends knew we were trying to get pregnant for the nine months before we actually conceived. So it didn't come as "that much" of a shock when we announced that we were expecting. What we didn't expect were the cheers of joy mixed with the "aw man, now we can't hang out/party/have play dates/go out as much."
It's not just my friendships that have changed, it's also J's. J hasn't played soccer since late in my pregnancy (something he's done since he could walk). He literally goes to work, comes home and is a daddy and a husband to us and doesn't really have time for himself. Granted, he could choose to make some time, but he would rather spend time with us than without us (most days--haha).
Recently, I've really tried to strengthen friendships and learn new things to help me with my own sense of self. Yes, I am a mother...but that's not all that I have to offer. I devote myself 99.9% to my family...which leaves me .1% to do activities that I enjoy by myself or with friends (girl's nights, shopping, golf, crafting, movie night...etc). This in turn makes me feel better about myself. And if I feel better, that trickles down to my relationship with my husband and my daughter.
So, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the friends I have for understanding that my world has been rocked in the last 19 months. I'd like to thank my friends for being patient, dropping by the house (when it's easier), helping me keep my sanity, introducing me to new activities, and getting me out of the house when I need it the most. You guys are the best and I love you for it!
Edit: Here's an awesome clip from a friend of mine. Thanks Mrs. H! :D