WELL...we went to the doctor this week for our bi-weekly check up. Baby is doing well...she's growing and right on schedule. She's measuring at 34 weeks and her heartbeat is at 140bpm. We'd lost a pound, but have no fear...I'm sure we'll find it somewhere! Haha! The past two weeks/month have been committed to organizing, cleaning and getting ready for our little one. Mom came into town right after Christmas and helped us a lot with the nursery. We've painted her room "princess pink" with a soft green vine painted all around the top of the room. Shortly after that, her furniture was delivered and set up. It's adorable and very sturdy! We are sure to have this stuff for years and years. Then! Our baby shower is going to be tomorrow! We've had gifts already delivered to the house (the car seat and stroller, etc) and can't wait to see her room after it's all set up. Here's a pic!
The thing that's amazing to me is the outpouring from friends and family all around! The amount of clothes this child ALREADY has! You just wouldn't believe it!! I have made the comment that we are going to have to change her clothes every hour on the hour for the first 9 months of life! So, I just wanted to say thank you to all the friends/family who've handed down their hand-me-downs, heirloom items and brand new stuff too!