We just got back from our first cruise together...and it was cruise-tastic! We had an excellent time, and I think that we even relaxed a little! HA! What craziness...Here is a picture from the first formal night on the cruise...
I also had a birthday on June 5th, in Cozumel, our first port of the trip. We cruised on to Roatan, Honduras and tried to port at Costa Maya...but the weather was bad, so we went back to Cozumel for a second day. Then our last port was in Progresso...we had an amazing time, and we will certainly never forget it!
On the job-front, J's company, ExpertVillage.com was officially bought out for an undisclosed amount by Demand Media. J's been super busy and super stressed, but is glad to join the new team at Demand!
I'm still working two jobs...at Keller Williams and JJH, things are going great at both..lots of growing and learning going on there.
Champ and Maebe stayed at Dogboys Dogranch while we were on vacation, and had an awesome time! They went swimming and hiking 2x a day! Needless to say, they've been on good behavior since we got back!
That's all for now, folks!