Everyone looks at the New Year as a new start; all shiny and new. Some people look back at the year gone by and think "good riddance!" I can't help but feel a little sad...2006 was amazing for me. It was a year of love, a year of friends, a year of family. So much happened in this year, that I can honestly say it was the best year of my life. I started to do one of those "best and worst of 2006" or "Top 5 Moments" in this blog, but couldn't complete either one. There were more than 5 top moments in 2006 for me. There weren't enough bad moments to even fill up one space of my "worst" moments.
Just to mention a few high points:
In this year I've discovered new friendships, rediscovered old ones, solidified my love, validated the feelings of my heart, traveled to far off places, traveled to friends places, played in the snow, got totally lost, found my home, had a first Christmas, gained new family members, played Santa, held babies, recieved the best hugs, made memories, taken pictures, thrown parties, celebrated bdays, cried tears of happiness, and have wished on a few dozen falling stars.
With the new, I know that it will get better and better...but I'm not sure how.
To the man who has my whole heart: thank you for all the love, support, comfort, and FUN that you have brought to my life and the smiles you've put on my face.
To the friends who I can't believe I didn't have before 2006: thanks for being so freakin' cool.
To the friends I've rediscovered: thanks for finding me again! Let's keep in touch!
To my family: you are the reason I do what I do, and I am what I am...thanks for everything.
And to those I've lost: I understand.